Most people have experienced at least one wound in their lives that had pus coming out of it, but seeing it emerge from your gums is a completely different experience. If you're having this problem or someone that you care about is, you should get help right away. Here's why this is such a big deal and why you shouldn't put off getting help.
What it Means
Pus is only created by the body for one reason: it's the result of an invasion.
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Have you started noticing signs that you have wisdom teeth that are finally coming in? If so, you may be wondering if these wisdom teeth need to be removed, or if they will continue to come in without any issues. Be aware that wisdom teeth can cause some major oral health problems, which is why they need to be removed in the following situations.
Your Wisdom Teeth Will Be Impacted
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If your teeth are severely damaged or discolored, getting porcelain veneers is a viable cosmetic option. They drastically improve your smile and give you confidence. To ensure you can take advantage of these benefits for a long time, you'll want to maintain your porcelain veneers in the following ways.
Brush with Whitening Toothpaste
Even though porcelain veneers aren't real teeth, they still can turn yellow over time. These color changes aren't always cheap to fix, so you'll want to keep your porcelain veneers white for as long as you can.
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Dentists often recommend skipping certain medications when you're prepping for a surgical procedure, including the simple pain reliever aspirin. If you take aspirin regularly or rely upon it when you're having a headache or another pain problem, this might be discouraging or confusing for you. Check out this simple guide to understand why your dentist wants you to do this and why you really need to listen to their advice.
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If you have a chipped or cracked tooth or if you just had a dental implant placed, then your dentist may recommend a dental crown. But unlike crowns that royalty wear, a dental crown is a just a little bit different (or a lot different). A dental crown is a small porcelain cap that is placed over your tooth or implant to help you chew like normal again. But because porcelain crowns are artificial, you may not know exactly how to care for them.
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