Dental Crown Problems You Should Know

28 September 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Dental crowns will always come in handy whenever you want to protect your compromised tooth. So, instead of having a broken or chipped tooth extracted, you can get a dental crown instead. But since dental crowns can't last forever, you might have to replace or readjust them if you experience the following problems.


Most people experience increased sensitivity after getting dental restorative procedures. And since a dental crown procedure may involve reshaping the tooth, it is normal for the teeth to become extra sensitive. However, the sensitivity should mostly fade after a few days or weeks. 

So, if the sensitivity becomes a problem after a couple of weeks, don't hesitate to see your dentist. Maybe the dental crown wasn't fitted correctly, or there was an issue with the tooth nerve system. The dentists will definitely help address the sensitivity problem. 

Uneven Bite

It's possible to have an uneven bite after getting dental crowns. Regrettably, you can't recognize the uneven bite immediately after the procedure. You'll only notice after settling down. However, you still have to act after noticing the uneven bite. Your dentist will have to readjust the crown to correct the anomaly. The dentist will reshape the tooth and replace the crown if the readjustments fail.

Loose Crown

A loose dental crown can no longer protect your weak tooth. Besides, it might embarrass you when talking to your peers. As such, you should get the loose dental crown checked by your dentist. The dentist will evaluate what's causing the crown to loosen and address the issue. Your dentist can perform a dental crown repair or replace the loose crown with a tighter one.

Allergic Reactions

Dental crowns can sometimes trigger an allergic reaction in your gums. Dental crowns are made from different materials, including stainless steel, ceramic, resin, gold, silver, or other alloys. Unfortunately, your gums may react to any of these materials. So, if you notice your gums are swelling or becoming itchy, schedule a visit with the dentist. Your dentist will investigate whether the crowns are responsible for the allergy and switch them with a different type of crown.

Cracked Crown

A cracked or fractured crown can no longer function properly. As such, you should get rid of the cracked crown and have a new one installed. Otherwise, the tooth you are protecting will be left vulnerable. Besides, a cracked dental crown is ugly and has no structural integrity to chew or bite food. 

Contact a local cosmetic dental service to learn more.