Bonding Vs. Veneers Vs. Crowns

13 November 2014
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you're currently in need of dental restoration, it can be difficult to determine which of the various cosmetic procedures will suit you best. While your dentist can certainly weigh in on some of the procedural technicalities, an objective breakdown of the benefits and drawbacks of each procedure can help provide you with some unbiased feedback. There are several fantastic benefits with each of the 3 dental procedures, but without understanding how each procedure can vary depending on each case, it will be difficult to make an educated decision. Therefore, in order to help alleviate any confusion regarding dental bonding, veneers, and crowns, this article will guide you through the pros and cons associated with each of the 3 procedures.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is the process of applying a tooth-colored resin directly to the surface of your damaged tooth. The resin is comprised of a durable, plastic-like substance. The resin is set using a special light which helps it bond directly to the exterior of the tooth. Before the bonding procedure can begin, the tooth must first usually be prepared, and a proper resin color must be selected.


  • Dental bonding is easily the cheapest of the 3 procedures.
  • The entire bonding process can be prepped, applied, and set in a single visit, so you can quickly restore your smile.
  • Bonding only requires light preparation to the tooth.


  • Bonding doesn't last as long as veneers or crowns.
  • The resin material isn't always capable of matching the exact shade of a person's tooth.
  • Bonding requires a high degree of skill to properly apply. Less practiced dentists may not be able to provide adequate results.
  • The shaping procedure is limited in terms of what is possible. Teeth with large gaps, odd shapes, and varying direction won't benefit from bonding like they would from veneers or crowns.

Dental Veneers

The dental veneer is an extremely thin, porcelain-based laminate, which is applied to the front of a person's tooth. The veneer must first be crafted in the lab before it can be applied, which means that a proper x-ray and molding of the recipient's mouth must first be completed. The veneer process is usually accomplished over 3 consecutive visits. The teeth receiving the veneers will have to be prepared by removing a few millimeters of enamel. This is to help the veneer set. The veneers are set with a cement-like composite, which when dried, will become a lifetime bond.


  • Veneers are more visually pleasing than dental bonding.
  • If porcelain (as opposed to resin) veneers are used, they can last a lifetime.
  • Veneers offer slightly more control than dental bonding over the tooth's color and shape.


  • Veneers are substantially more expensive than dental bonding.
  • Veneers require multiple trips to the dentist.
  • The process requires a greater degree of preparation for the tooth.
  • Veneers do not allow for complete control over the tooth's color and shape.

Dental Crowns

Unlike dental bonding and porcelain veneers, a dental crown completely surrounds all of recipient's tooth. Crowns are usually suggested when patients have significant damage to their teeth where bonding and veneers simply can't accommodate. The tooth is first prepared by the dentist filing it down to a tapered nub. Most, if not all, of the enamel is removed during the procedure, as the crown will ultimately become the new exterior for the entire tooth.

The dentist will first x-ray and take moldings of the patient's mouth, and individual crowns will be crafted in the lab. Most crowns are at least 2mm (1/16th of an inch) thick, so the process requires substantial tooth preparation in order to be viable. However, if the patient qualifies for a crown, the end result will last a lifetime, making the procedure definitely worth the effort. A crown can consist of a porcelain, metal, or combination material.


  • In regards to the other 2 procedures, crowns offer the most flexibility in terms of color and shape.
  • Crowns can last a lifetime.
  • Crowns are more applicable in situations where the teeth are significantly more damaged. Gaps and crooked teeth are more easily corrected.


  • Crowns are the most expensive of the 3 procedures.
  • The preparation involved for a crown is significantly more invasive and painful than that of dental bonding or porcelain veneers.
  • Crowns require several trips to the dentist.

Regardless of what your dental restoration needs are, bonding, veneers, and crowns are excellent options for restoring your smile. However, it is important to carefully consider all information related to each procedure before selecting an option for yourself.

For more information, contact Quality Dental Care or a similar location.